Saturday, June 29, 2013

"You haven't asked about Limberger..."

If you are looking for cheese to purchase, or sage advice on fermented curd, this is not the place. The title is a joke and you don't have to be a fan of Monty Python but it helps.

Last time I tried to blog, it quickly decayed into moderately froth-at-the-mouth rants. This was not my intent, but I fell under a mild case of John Gabriel's Internet Fuckwad Theory. So here I am again, with the hope that when I make observations, they'll be clever rather than petty, insightful more than snarky, and readable instead of just fresh internet dross.

And my first observation is that the spellchecker here does not recognize the words "blog", "internet", and, yes, "spellchecker". What's up with that?

So kick back and relax while I try and cure myself of writer's block...